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There are two reports available for purchase

School Performance in Context: The Iceberg Effect

Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 12.28.07 PMAn International Look at Often-Overlooked Education Indicators (Summary version – 18 pages)

Bulk order:  25 copies = $100.00, plus shipping


Performance in Context: The Iceberg Effect

Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 9.59.27 AMSchool Performance in Context: Indicators of School Inputs and Outputs in Nine Similar Nations (Full Report-52 pages)

$9.95 each (up to 4) $8.95 each ( 5-9) & $7.95 each (10+).  Shipping is additional

 Postage and handling extra.

 Order form:

_____  Summary Report @ $25 per 100 copies
_____  Full Report @ $9.95 each (up to 4) $8.95 each ( 5-9) & $7.95        each (10+)

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