Friends of Public Education

The Horace Mann League, each year, recognized individuals and groups who promote public education.  The following have been recognized for their contributions to public education:

Outstanding Friends of Public Education


2014, Marian Wright Edelman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund


2013, Senator Mark Warner of Virginia (on right) with Mark Edwards, President of the Horace Mann League.

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2012, Jack Jennings, President of the Center for Public Policy. Award presented by Gary Marx.

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2011, Diane Ravitch presented the award by Julie Underwood. Dr. Ravitch is an author and researcher about public education.


2010, Dr. Phil Schlechty, Author and researcher of public education

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2009, John Goodlad, author of “The Place Called School.”

2008, Wendy Puriefoy, President of the Public Education Network


2007, Dr. Tom Sobol, former Commissioner of the New York Dept. of Education

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2006, Dr. Jonathan Kozel, author of “The Shame of Our Nation.”

Stupski Foundation

2005, Joyce and Larry Stupski, The Stupski Foundation (For supporting the mentoring of superintendent.)



2004, Art Stellar, Frosty Troy, and Larry Dlugosh (For promoting public education in the “Oklahoma Observer.” 


2003, Larry Dlugosh presenting the award to Ellen Fitzgerald, representing the Readers Digest Foundation

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2002, John Simpson presenting the award to Richard Rothstein, Columnist for the New York Times


2001, Al Dietzel, Vice President of The Limited Inc. (For the volunteer employee reading program in the Columbus, Ohio, public schools)

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2000, Dr. Barry Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United, with Jane Hammond

lew salmon

1998, Lew Salmon, The Milliken Foundation

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1997, Stuart Thompson, Governor James Hunt, and Cleveland Hammonds.

Riely and Houston 1998

1966 Mr Richard Riley, Secretary of Education, U.S. Department of Education with Paul Houston