2003 Summer Bd. Mtg. – Omaha

Horace Mann League, 2003 Summer Board Meeting, Omaha, NE

June 27-28 (Friday and Saturday), 2003

Friday, June 27: 1:30 p.m., Westside Community Schools, ABC Bldg.

Roll Call:

Present: Larry Dlugosh, Spike Jorgensen, Richard Christie, Fred Hartmeister, Vern Moore, Walt Warfield, and Jack McKay. According to the HML by-laws, there was quorum.

Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Walt Warfield, seconded by Fred Hartmeister, that the minutes of meetings on February 17 and 18, 2003, be approved. Passed.

February 17, 2003
February 18, 2003

Background Information:

Reviewed budget and membership reports.

Budget Update
Membership Update

Old business:

  1. Strategic Planning:

Decision: Deferred on a strategic planning session. Discussed the feasibility of holding a pre- or post session on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2004, to provide an opportunity for officers, directors, and members to provide input on the future direction of the HML.

  1. Guidelines for awards:

Action: Regarding the “Outstanding Friend of the Horace Mann League” award, deleted the last line. Awardee is not required to attend the annual luncheon to be eligible to receive the award.

Request: Confirm with Dr. Stellar, that a letter was sent to Dr. Wong acknowledging that his letter was received.

  1. Guidelines for corporate relations:

Discussion: Walt Warfield presented the IASA guidelines for corporate partnerships. See amended “corporate” guidelines, attached. Final review will be on the winter meeting agenda. The following points were discussed:

  • What do we have to offer the business community?
  • What comes back to the corporate partner?
  • What do we need from the corporate relationship?

Proposed actions:

Public Education Network. John Simpson and/or Mark Edwards asked to investigate possible opportunities for collaboration.

David Mathews: Larry Dlugosh to ask David Mathews about possible involvement with the Horace Mann League. (author of book, “Is their a public in public education.”

Inside the Law: Fred Hartmeister to seek more information on possible collaboration.

Public Broadcasting System/National Public Radio: Jack McKay to investigate possible contributions for sponsorship of NPR programs.

  1. Report on legal issues:

Fred Hartmeister presented a review of the latest U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Implications of the Grutter v. Bolliinger (University of Michigan affirmative action case). Mixed decision and signals. Have to wait and see. Implications of NCLB were also dicussed.

  1. Recruitment of new members,

Action: Letter to be sent to all officers and directors regarding the implied expectations about serving. Such matters as recruitment and attendance were to be included in the letter from the President and President-elect.

Action: Officers and directors will be assigned states to be responsible for nominations.. A list of administrators, professors, etc. who attended the annual AASA conference in New Orleans will be distributed to officers and directors for their respective states. Officers and directors will edit the list of AASA attendees for possible nomination for membership and return the list to Jack McKay, who will then send a nomination letter to each person nominated.

  1. Report on the revision of the bylaws of the League:

No action taken

  1. Review of the HML website:

Reviewed the process of revising the HML website as suggested by Doug Otto and Colleen Wilcox.

  1. Progress report on monograph/book on “Strategies that work to improve public schools

Larry Dlugosh reviewed the progress on the book and timeline for publication. Twenty-eight manuscripts have been submitted.

New Business:

  1. Nominations for officers and directors:

The Executive Board Nominating Committee gave the following report:

Vice President nomination: Walt Warfield

Director: Reappointment of Mark Edwards

Director: Reappointment of Doug Otto

Director (to replace Walt Warfield as Director):

  • Barry Lynn, Executive Director of American United
  • Jerry Sellentin, Exec. Director, Nebraska Council of School Administrators
  • Peg Portshelter, Colorado
  • Christi Johnson, Exec. Director, South Dakota School Administrators Association
  • Dennis Woods, Supt. of Schools, Westlake School District, Ohio

Motion by Richard Christi, second by Spike Jorgensen, that the nominations be approved. Passed.

Further discussion and recommendation for approval at the winter board meeting.

Create a “HML Council for Corporate Relations.”

Membership: Past presidents of the HML.

Co-chairs: Ken Bird and Jane Hammond.

Members: Cleveland Hammonds, Jack Mawdsley, Ben Canada, Paul Houston, and Terry Grier.

  1. Recommendations for Awards (Outstanding Educators, Outstanding Friend, and Friend of the HML): Who will be nominated for HML awards to be presented at the annual meeting.

(See separate emailing notice to officers and directors.)

  1. Review of the Annual Meeting procedures (time, day, agenda):

Jack McKay to contact Frosty Troy to be the featured and paid speaker at the annual meeting in San Francisco.

Arrange a pre- or post session on Saturday, February 21, 2004, for members to meet at discuss the “Future direction of the HML.”

  1. Review of the executive directors duties, responsibilities, evaluation, and compensation:

Motion made by Walt Warfield, seconded by Vern Moore to adjust the Executive Directors compensation based on the following formula:

  • Base salary: $10,000
  • Additional annual adjustment: 7/03 to 7/04, $5.00 per paid member. (Based on 1000 paid members – 1000 * $5 = $5,000. Total would be $15,000)
  • 7/04 to 7/05: $7.50 per paid member.


  1. Review of need for the summer board meeting:

Discussion: Points considered were dates, location, agenda, available time, priorities, and incentives to attend. Consensus was to keep the summer meeting and date (the last Friday and Saturday in June). See new business for additional actions.

  1. Pending shortage of school administrators:

Tabled due to lack of time.

Other New Business:


Moved by Spike Jorgensen, seconded by Richard Christie, that the membership dues be increased to $50 or according to the minutes of June 2000, whichever is greater. (The minutes of June 2003, state, “dues will be increased by $5.00 every three years”.) Therefore, the dues be increased to $50 per year, effective July 2003.


Officers and Directors Travel to Summer Meetings;

Moved by Spike Jorgensen, seconded by Richard Christie, that reimbrusement for travel to summer HML board meetings be paid at the rate of 50% of the cost of transporation, not to exceed a maximum of $200.00 for each officer and director.


Future meetings:

Winter Board Meeting, Friday, February 20, 2004, 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., San Francisco

Tentative agenda item:

Revise the by-laws to increase the size of the Board of Directors and Officers from 16 (12 directors and four officers) to a maximum of 20 members to include up to four representative from law, foundations, and business.

Annual Membership Meeting, Saturday, February 21, 2004, 11:30 to 1:30 p.m., San Francisco

Summer Board Meeting, Friday and Saturday, June 24-25, 2004. The following locations are under consideration at this time:

  • Anchorage AK, (includes 5 day cruise – meetings on the cruise ship)
  • Denver, CO. Boulder Valley SD – (major airport hub – central US location)
  • Alexandria, VA. AASA Headquarters – Washington, DC
  • Richmond VA. (hosted by Mark Edwards) Williamsburg
  • Seattle, WA. Port Ludlow Resort – (30 miles northwest of Seattle – golf & sailing)

Winter Board Meeting, Friday, February, 18, 2005, San Antonio

Annual Membership Meeting, Saturday, February 19, 2005, San Antonio

Summer Board Meeting, Friday and Saturday, June 23-24, 2005, Norfolk, VA (John Simpson, President)


Winter Board Meeting, Friday, February 24, 2006, San Diego

Annual Membership Meeting, Saturday, February 20, 2005, San Diego

Summer Board Meeting, Friday and Saturday, June 23-24, 2006. Chicago or Springfield, IL (Walt Warfield President)

Submitted by Jack McKay, 7/1/03


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