2001 Winter Meeting – Orlando, FL

The Horace Mann League
Board Meeting
February 16, 2001 – Orlando, FL

Meeting called to order by Ken Bird, President, at 3:15 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Ken Bird, Art Stellar, Larry Dlugosh, Mark Edwards, Fred Hartmesiter, Spike Jorgensen, Doug Otto, Steve Rasmussen, Walt Warfield, Colleen Wilcox, and Jack McKay. Guests: Peggy Rupprecht and Iris Metts.

Board meeting of June 31 and July 1, 2001 in Omaha. Motion to approve minutes by Rasmussen and Edwards)

Progress report on legal issues given by Fred Hartmeister.

Report on Nomination Committee Report by Jack McKay. President: Ben Canada, President-elect: Art Stellar, Vice President, Larry Dlugosh, Past President: Ken Bird. Director reappointed: Spike Jorgensen and Mark Edwards. New Director: Iris Metts.

Report on membership numbers by Jack Mckay. As of February 2001, there are 967 members listed in the database.

Report on finances and estimated 2001 budget by Jack Mckay. Expenditures for 2000 were $33,348.69. Budgeted for 2001 are $32,600.

Reviewed development of the Horace Mann print. Motion to approve the preliminary design of the second Horace Mann print by Wilcox and Simpson.

Discussed presenting a Horace Mann print to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Education. John Simpson and Iris Metts will investigate feasibility.

Decided to award plaques for “15 or more years members” at future annual meetings.

Reviewed sale of the book, The Art of Teaching by Horace Mann.

Reviewed the procedures and protocol for the Annual Meeting.

Discuss the agenda for the summer board meeting in Portland. Topics include the following: (a) update strategic plan, (b) the Horace Mann League Foundation, (c) update on legal issues, (d) membership classifications, (f) future Horace Mann posters, (e) poster marketing strategies, and (f) recruitment strategies.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

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